We look forward to seeing you between noon and 3 PM on Thursday, August 22.
NEW OPTION: Drive right on to the Expo floor via the loading dock entrance on Nutt. St. Unload, park your vehicle and return to check in up front. Otherwise, use Convention Center parking.
- REVIEW all Exhibitor team members. To add: office@cai-nc.org ($150; max 6 total per company). Deadline: Friday, August 9.
- CHECK Electrical power orders. To add by Friday, August 9: office@cai-nc.org
- SUBMIT requests for special dietary needs by Friday, August 9. Box lunches will be delivered to the Expo Hall on Friday 11:45 AM.
- REQUEST Rental of booth equipment beyond 6-foot table, 2 chairs, wastebasket and sign directly through Carolina Tradeshow Decorators (booths are 10 x 10). Deadline: Friday, August 9.
- Exhibitor Full Guidelines:
- SEE Conference attendees list as of 8/5/24.
- REVIEW Expo map and exhibitor list.
- SEE Terms & Conditions signed during your booth registration.
HAVE A HEART! Bring new, unopened classroom supplies for area school children. You’ll see the donation baskets right in the Expo Hall.