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CAI-NC Exhibiting Guidelines

2024 Annual Conference and Expo

1.Exhibitors load-in: 12:00- 3:00 PM Thursday 8/22/24; must be complete and the Expo Hall vacated for fire marshal inspection by 3:15 PM.
OPTION: Drive onto the Expo floor via the loading dock entrance to unload. Otherwise use Convention Center parking deck.

2. Sampling and/or distribution of food or beverage by any exhibitor or vendor must be approved by both CAI-NC and the Convention Center Food and Beverage Director no less than one month prior to any function. Separately, alcoholic beverages may not be brought into nor removed from the premises, to include all areas of the Convention Center, parking deck, event lawn or Convention Center Drive.

3. Animals (with the exception of NC-approved service dogs for the disabled) are not permitted in the facility.

4. Staffing of Booths: Barring advance exceptions by CAI-NC, exhibit booths are to be staffed at all times during stated Expo hours:

  • Thursday 4:15-5:30 PM; doors will be secured at 5:30 PM.
  • Friday 8/23/24: 7:30-8:15 AM; 10:30-11:45 AM.

5. Breakdown: Exhibitors are welcome to remain in the Expo Hall anytime on Friday 7:15 AM – 3 PM. It is imperative that no exhibitor begin dismantling or packing their space until end of Expo hours on the final day of the event. Booths will be dismantled by the show decorator beginning at 2 PM; doors will be secured at 3 PM.

6. Registered Exhibitor team members are welcome to participate in all non-Expo Conference activities as described below:

  • Thursday 8/22/24: Welcome Social at Brooklyn Arts Center 8-10 PM
  • Friday 8/23/24:
    • President’s Welcome and “PCAM Walk” (in the Expo Hall) 8:15-8:45 AM
    • Any learning session
    • Headshots station
    • LAC Update and Family Feud 12:30 – 2 PM

7. Box lunches for registered team members will be delivered to the Expo Hall at 11:45 AM. Please indicate any special dietary needs  by Friday, August 9. 

8. Electrical power: if you did not purchase it during your booth registration, email ($150).
Dedicated wi-fi is available for $500 as a fee item separate from booth registration; contact

9. Shipping and equipment rentals details and options: available direct through our partner Carolina Trade Show Decorators.

10. All exhibitor giveaways are to be conducted privately. Exhibitor is responsible for conveying any giveaway or prize directly to any privately-designated winner no later than 3 PM. Any prizes left in any area of the Convention Center will be discarded.

11. It is considered bad form to conduct business outside of your booth, including talking to clients or prospects or handing out items or information in front of someone else's booth.

HAVE A HEART! Bring new, unopened classroom supplies for area school children! You’ll see the donation baskets right in the Expo Hall.