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Elliot Engstrom
Attorney, Sellers, Ayers, Dortch & Lyons, P.A.

This presentation will inform attendees about best practices for staying compliant and avoiding disfunction when dealing with homeowners who frequently and vocally criticize associations and their managers. We will discuss several critical aspects of these relationships, including:

  • Basic Fair Housing Act considerations in communicating with homeowners;
  • Attempts by homeowners to involve the association in private disputes;
  • When should the association become involved.

Bonnie Braudway
Charles Meier
Attorneys, Marshall, Williams, & Gorham, LLP

The same valid HOA rules that apply to owners almost always apply to tenants, and owners can generally be held accountable or fined for the actions of their tenants.

  • What constitutes short term rentals
  • Recent cases affecting amendments
  • Identifying the ""problem""
  • City/County ordinances
  • Careful drafting of the amendment
  • Solutions other than an amendment
  • Enforcement of restrictions

Matthew Waters, Partner
Frank Bullock, Attorney
Jordan Price Law Offices

This topic focuses on providing Board members and managers with the tools necessary to deal with unruly Owners that write those nasty emails everyone hates.

  1. Understanding Unruly Behavior
  1. De-escalation Techniques
  1. When and How to Respond
  1. Legal and Ethical Considerations
  1. Proactive Strategies
  1. Self-Care for Board Members and Managers
  1. Interactive Workshop Ideas
  1. Digital & Written Resources

Jim Slaughter, CCAL
Adam Marshall, CCAL
Partners, Law Firm Carolinas

What you don’t know CAN hurt you! We'll discuss changes to federal and state laws that will impact directors and associations, including rental amendment restrictions, condo regulations, the Corporate Transparency Act, and proposed state laws changes.

Hope Carmichael, CCAL, Partner
Mollie Cozart, Attorney
Jordan Price Law Offices

  • When and why to seek legal advice;
  • The difference between using General Association counsel and specialized legal services;
  • Best practices for handling disputes and preventing escalation;
  • Budgeting for legal services and maximizing cost efficiency;
  • Working with legal counsel to ensure regulatory compliance;
  • Maintaining the attorney-client privilege;
  • Specific case studies:
    • covenant enforcement
    • legal document review and amendment
    • responding to and defending threats of litigation by owners

Alex Dale
Attorney, Ward and Smith, P.A.

Transparency is important for any governing body. But transparency can be inflated as a common good, when it really disrupts the orderly operation of an organization. Hear about examples of community association actions in the spirit of transparency that have actually caused more turmoil and discord.

  • When Transparency is required: Document Requests under applicable law;
  • When Transparency may be required: Document Requests under governing documents;
  • When Transparency can be useful: Successful tools for open forums and member gatherings
  • When Transparency is risky: Straw polls;
  • When Transparency is a mistake: Putting Director decisions to the membership; and
  • When Transparency is dangerous: The need for privacy in contracting, collections, and enforcement activity.

Matthew Waters, Partner
Catherine Brown, Attorney
Jordan Price Law Offices

This topic focuses on equipping Board members with the essential skills and strategies needed to lead effectively, foster collaboration, and ensure the community’s success. It’s particularly valuable for both new and experienced Board members seeking to enhance their ability to manage their responsibilities and work well with community members.

  1. Understanding the Role of the Board
  2. Building a Cohesive Team
  3. Strategic Decision-Making
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Leadership Styles and Adaptability
  6. Time Management and Delegation
  7. Legal and Ethical Awareness

Lori P. Jones
Kelton Ekblad
Attorneys, Jordan Price Law Offices

This presentation will highlight the exciting opportunities and best practices for associations in managing recreational amenities. Participants will gain valuable insights into creating a fair and enjoyable environment, while effectively enforcing rules, so as to enhance amenities for the benefit of all. We’ll explore strategies for managing liability risks while ensuring a vibrant, thriving community. Attendees will leave with actionable tips to optimize association amenities and create enriching recreational experiences for their members.

Adam Beaudoin, CCAL
Partner, Ward & Smith, P.A.

Cynthia Jones, CCAL
Partner, Sellers, Ayers, Dortch & Lyons, P.A.

This interactive session will focus on activities that can, at times, become contentious among neighbors over perceived nuisance activities/behavior. For example, dealing with the increased interest in pickle ball and the challenges surrounding location and operation of pickle ball courts; barking dogs; location and operation of dog parks; location and operation of back yard fire pits/meat smokers to name a few. Attendees will walk away understanding how to identify potential community nuisances and help their community association clients strategize on how to limit liability to the Association when planning new amenities or changes to existing amenities, as well as being proactive with rules that limit neighbor vs. neighbor nuisance opportunities. We’ll discuss cases from multiple jurisdictions to provide real world examples of nuisance situations that either went well or poorly for their community associations.

Weldon Jones
Kelton Ekblad
Attorneys, Jordan Price Law Offices

This presentation will address how modern technology will affect your Association in the coming years. As technology continues to evolve, it outpaces many Association covenants, rules, and general standards. We'll cover:

  • unique challenges for parking and energy consumption as it applies to making space for and installing EV charging stations
  • how Community Apps (mobile or web) will be used for Associations (voting, social media, reservations for common spaces, etc.)
  • the potential of integrating Fiber Optic Internet and Water main and Leak Monitoring Systems within HOA communities;
  • monitoring potential Title Fraud within Community Associations;
  • the Basics of amending rules or covenants to accommodate advancements in technology

Hunter D. Cornelius
Madeline Williams
Attorneys, Ward & Smith, P.A.

  • Overview of types of parking restrictions
  • Implications of parking restrictions on public v. private streets
  • Scope of restrictions contained in restrictive covenants v. restrictions contained in rules and regulations
    • Particularly if restrictive covenants only grant rule making authority over common area
  • How to implement parking restrictions, both as part of the restrictive covenants and rules and regulations
  • Enforcement procedures, generally
  • When can association utilize towing to enforce parking restrictions

Steve Sellers
AttorneySellers, Ayers, Dortch & Lyons, P.A.

This session will equip participants with practical, real-world strategies for managing (and excelling at) HOA membership meetings. We will discuss all critical aspects of the meeting process from notice to adjournment and focus on proven techniques that help solve some of the most challenging and intimidating aspects of membership meetings – especially contentious ones.

  • Calling the Meeting: Annual vs. Special;
  • Effective Preparation: “Red Teaming” the meeting, anticipating and avoiding “choke points” along the way;
  • Efficient In-Meet Procedures: Setting the stage and tone;
  • Establishing and keeping a proper agenda, maximizing efficiency, minimizing “dead time.”;
  • Confident (but not over-bearing)
  • Crowd and Personality Management (i.e., “Winning the Crowd”);
  • Nuclear Options (and how to avoid ever having to use them…);
  • Stand-alone budget ratification meetings (are they "special meetings"?).