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For and About Community Association Managers

Here you’ll find information for anyone either practicing in or interested in the profession of Community Association management:



Mental Ilness guideHow could residents with mental illnesses impact community associations? Is there a way to be compassionate and empathetic while being responsible to the community?

Examine the issues and explore possible solutions. Buy it here ($9.99. members/ $19.99 al others)





CAI Career CenterCommunity association management is a booming career opportunity offering growth opportunities and financial promise at any stage of life. This profession involves a wide span of interests and skills… every day is a little different.





Sample file imageFree downloads for CAI members only:

Sample Forms and Templates




  Wellness guide

Simple steps can help community managers and board members achieve a mutual goal of mental and physical wellness, via healthy, functional approaches to both your personal and professional life.

Free download: Health/Wellness brochure




Community association boards regularly face complex issues that can spark strong emotions. By adopting the Community Association Civility Pledge, community association boards commit to embracing principles that establish a framework for effective community conversations.

Free download and more about the Civility Pledge. 



CAI pressBrowse titles selected just for managers.



5 reasons to join cai

Manager memberships are individual, unrelated to any employer’s corporate membership. Member managers enjoy these benefits:

  • Discount pricing on chapter and national webinars, education events and publications
  • Annual subscriptions to:

Common Ground magazine (print + digital)

Community Manager digital newsletter

CAI@Home  digital newsletter

Community Association Law Reporter digital newsletter

Join for $155 / year (includes affiliation at both the national and NC chapter levels).



disaster preparednessYou can help residents prepare, survive, recover, and rebuild if a disaster occurs in their community.

View free resources here.



PRACTICING MANAGERS: We suggest you also explore the Find Your Place>Associations section of this website.