For and About Community Association Managers
Here you’ll find information for anyone either practicing in or interested in the profession of Community Association management:
How could residents with mental illnesses impact community associations? Is there a way to be compassionate and empathetic while being responsible to the community?
Examine the issues and explore possible solutions. Buy it here ($9.99. members/ $19.99 al others)
Community association management is a booming career opportunity offering growth opportunities and financial promise at any stage of life. This profession involves a wide span of interests and skills… every day is a little different.
- Job Center
- Community Association Manager Compensation and Salary Survey
- Find out more. (VT: links to “MgrCareer” pdf in drive)
Free downloads for CAI members only:
Simple steps can help community managers and board members achieve a mutual goal of mental and physical wellness, via healthy, functional approaches to both your personal and professional life.
Free download: Health/Wellness brochure
Community association boards regularly face complex issues that can spark strong emotions. By adopting the Community Association Civility Pledge, community association boards commit to embracing principles that establish a framework for effective community conversations.
Free download and more about the Civility Pledge.
Browse titles selected just for managers.
Manager memberships are individual, unrelated to any employer’s corporate membership. Member managers enjoy these benefits:
- Discount pricing on chapter and national webinars, education events and publications
- Annual subscriptions to:
Common Ground magazine (print + digital)
Community Manager digital newsletter
CAI@Home digital newsletter
Community Association Law Reporter digital newsletter
- Exchange: Online Community Q&A Forum
- Member Discount programs
- Community Conversations Webinars
- Online Research Library Access
Join for $155 / year (includes affiliation at both the national and NC chapter levels).
You can help residents prepare, survive, recover, and rebuild if a disaster occurs in their community.